Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary Catholic Church in Waimea Kauai oil Painting Commission


Sketch for a commissioned oil painting for a client. My newest Waimea, Kauai themed painting is a commission for a lady who will be getting married in Kauai this month. We spoke over email and phone in late August and she told me she was looking for an oil painting as a special [...]

Sacred Heart of Jesus and Mary Catholic Church in Waimea Kauai oil Painting Commission2022-03-10T08:05:15-07:00

Tropical Plantation Cottage Painting Has Quiet Mood, a 10×20 oil


Bamboo Blue Kauai Cottage with Red Ginger is a beautifully and expressively painted 10x20 oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas. Soft rust and golden orange hues light up the bamboo that sways over this quiet Kauai plantation painting. Tropical red ginger flowers have a wonderful expression and placement. The original oil painting for Bamboo Blue [...]

Tropical Plantation Cottage Painting Has Quiet Mood, a 10×20 oil2022-03-10T08:05:17-07:00

Colorful Hawaiian Cottage Painting on a Tall canvas


A new tropical Hawaii oil painting release, this colorful Hawaiian cottage painting is part of a series of tall and skinny Hawaiian plantation house paintings that bring a modern and fresh look. The size of this vibrant and expressive oil is 10x30 inches. Colorful Hawaiian cottage is painting on a gallery wrapped canvas and does [...]

Colorful Hawaiian Cottage Painting on a Tall canvas2022-03-10T08:05:20-07:00

Kauai’i Ranch Living


12x6 oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas, Kauai ranch painting by artist Jenny Floravita Kauai'i Ranch Living is a new 12 inch by 6 inch original oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas that is 1.5 inches wide. It's a lovely memory for anyone who's explored the back roads of Kauai'i. This scene can [...]

Kauai’i Ranch Living2022-03-10T08:05:49-07:00

small oil painting Blue Plantation Cottage and Palms


Original oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas, size 6x12 inches by artist Jenny Floravita Blue Plantation Cottage and Palms is new small oil painting release from my Mini Masters series. Every time I visit Kauai'i I paint new plantation cottage scenes. This is from the Waimea side of the island and there's a [...]

small oil painting Blue Plantation Cottage and Palms2022-03-10T08:05:51-07:00

Canvas is up, ready to be primed


Warning: this is an anti-mini painting...contrary to the name of my painting blog which has chronicled my Mini Master island paintings since 2006, both here and on my former Blogger blog. This is the next step. The canvas is up and is ready to be primed. Pinning the canvas to the wall was a two-person [...]

Canvas is up, ready to be primed2022-03-10T08:50:41-07:00

The Making of an Oil Mural


Warning: this is an anti-mini painting...contrary to the name of my painting blog which has chronicled my Mini Master island paintings since 2006, both here and on my former Blogger blog. I'd like to share the process of creating a large Oil Mural. This will be an intense and large project and will consume a [...]

The Making of an Oil Mural2022-03-10T08:50:41-07:00

Real Estate in Hawaii


Real estate in Hawaii may not be very affordable but you can still have an island memory in a small vignette painting. This small Hawaiian island cottage painting was one of four island cottage vignettes commissioned by a Real Estate agent in Silicon Valley (California). Palm trees and bamboo sway above quaint tin red roofs. [...]

Real Estate in Hawaii2022-03-10T08:51:11-07:00