

Beautiful Art Shot of Reverse Painted Glass Chandelier Bowls

By |September 2nd, 2011|Categories: Glass Blog|Tags: , , , , , , , |

I'm surrounded by my work daily. I cannot escape it and that's probably a good thing for an artist. It forces me to examine and contemplate my creations. This is a moment in my front gallery studio where my reverse painted glass chandelier bowls reflect off my baby grand. The chandelier bowl in the foreground [...]

Adding more Birds of Paradise Leaves

By |September 2nd, 2011|Categories: Painting Blog|

The central section of this painting needs more leaves! This is a great time in the process to develop this area further. The leaves act as filler and also create lines of energy and interest in the overall composition. This makes the shapes and direction of the leaves important. You can compare this image to [...]

Pink Gingers

By |September 1st, 2011|Categories: Painting Blog|

Here is a pic of what my working palate looks like. I mix my colors freely, utilizing the various tones that naturally combine on the palate as the paint is mixed. Color is very exciting and inspirational to artists. As young as age 15 I can remember being excited to put down the first blocks [...]

Let’s Paint!

By |August 31st, 2011|Categories: Painting Blog|

Now for the fun part—let's paint! STEP 1: I have chosen to begin this mural with the birds of paradise. They compose a large section of this mural and I'm going to use the leaves and dramatic shapes of this exotic South African flower to ground this piece. The image on the left shows my [...]

Creating the Drawing

By |August 31st, 2011|Categories: Painting Blog|

How did this concept materialize? To make a long story short, I worked with interior designers who liked my tropical flower paintings. They specified the size (roughly 9'x12') for this project. I then presented three different concepts that were mocked-up in Photoshop and one was chosen. I then refined the chosen concept in my studio [...]

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